Sýrus Skuldabréf
The Weaver.
written by Mia (She/Her, 21+)

This section will not show up on the carrd itself, this is here for instruction purposes only. You can delete this section if you want. If you have an issue or need help that isn't covered in the tips below, you are welcome to contact me for help via my askbox @rcsea on tumblr.
Terms of Use
Edit as much as you like, but don't remove any credits present. They are the small © symbols. Leave them alone. You may change the color to match your custom palette for your carrd but do not make them invisible or hard to see.
Don't claim as your own work OR use this template as a base for a different template OR use it for any commissions, paid or not. If you use this template, I don't care how much you edit it, go wild, but the credit has to stay intact and you cannot claim it as your own.
Do not use to promote illegal, harmful, or hateful content. No burn books, no hate blogs, no callout blogs, nothing of the sort.
Image Sizing
The banner on the front page is most suited for images at a 3:1 or 2:1 ratio depending on personal preference. It should be at least 1000px wide for best results. (The one that comes with the template is 2000px wide.)
The tall image in the bio section is at a 9:16 ratio. It will also resize based on width. If you make the bio longer, you may want a taller image, or to add another column to the container so it does not outgrow the image too much and make the spacing look weird. The image here will work best with the current spacing if it is at least 450px wide or greater.
If you need help with image sizing, or re-sizing anything / fixing spacing, you're more than welcome to shoot me a message on my blog and I'll try to help when I can.
How to Add More NPCs
The NPCs on the connections page are divided into rows of three. There is a new container for every row to prevent uneven spacing. To add more, you need to duplicate the container as a new one instead of adding to the same one, keeping only to a row of three per container.
Make a copy of the image and description sections and move them into place. There should only be two things to copy per new NPC.
If a row has an empty space with no NPC, click on the container, select the column that is empty (left, middle, or right) and check the box that says "use as spacer". If you have two NPCs in a row instead of three and want them to center, delete the empty column and the other two will adjust automatically. If you need to re-add the column later when adding another NPC, just click "add column" and the sizes should also automatically adjust in that case as well.
Verse Name Main Verse.
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde. Verse Name Canon.
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde. Verse Name Canon.
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.
Verse Name AU.
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde. Verse Name AU. — affiliated with @blogurl
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde. Verse Name AU.
Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.
Mia. 21+. She/her. GMT+8.
001 Hello! I go by the pen name of Mia and have been role playing for over a decade on forums, ffxiv and privately. I am located in Western Australia so my Timezone isn’t the greatest (AWST/GMT+8), couple it with full time work and part time study, my schedule is like a roller coaster. However, I am patient and very dedicated so I will always try and make things work. 002 So what do I like to rp and what do I stay away from? To be honest there is very very little that I haven’t dabbled in so I am really up for anything that your heart desires. In order to establish boundaries and what we are comfortable with, its best done talking it out, and since I am a chatty person in general, I promise I don't bite. The only stipulation I have is that you are required to be 18+ due to my age. 003 I RP in discord and also RP in game. However, due to my timezone and lifestyle I prefer to schedule in game RP sessions in advance with discord filling the time in between. I like to blend them together as a way to help accommodate not only my schedule but yours to! I am chill as heck about it and know that IRL comes first, always.
004 Please note, IC does NOT equal OOC. I am not my characters, so if I see the lines blurring, I will cut things off immediately, no if, buts or whats. 005 I RP pretty much all themes but I will not write ERP for the sake of ERP. I am not against it, but it needs to make sense for the character, the story and the moment. 006 In terms of character relations, anything goes and I cannot ever say how my character will perceive your character as it will be up to them....As such I don't like to force things onto characters either as I like natural progression.
007 What’s the best way to contact me? You can either contact me in game or by Discord.
supernatural | supernatural elements may be mentioned and used in story | supernatural tw |
horror | may appear in threads on occasion | horror tw |
blood | will appear in writing untagged, but visuals will be tagged | blood tw |
sexual content | will appear in headcanons and threads | nsfw tw , smut tw |
anything really | be clear about your boundaries! | trigger tw , other tw , etc tw |
Syrus Skuldabref | @The Weaver | FFXIV | High | Main |
Belkas Qinric | @The Sentinel | FFXIV | High | Main |
Astri Tabor | @Astri | FFXIV | Low | Alt |
Aether Weaver Lore | Canon | Custom Lore |
Mýrún Loforð — @The Spirit Reaper
Half Brother , played by Vixx. Vairuit Mao — @The Huntress
Partner , played by Eden. Farren Streiss — @The Wandering Rava
Respected Friend, played by Minty
Zava Utras — @The Death Shaman
Clan Member, played by Mia (myself) FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — @blogurl
Main , Blog-Wide FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — @blogurl
Main , Blog-Wide

US — A strange entity. Not human, not living, not physical. While defined as a voidsent, this is a creature of a fae like disposition and unique in the fact they are mostly neutral in their view of the world. However, they are as much a part of Syrus as, Syrus is a part of them and no longer can they be easily separated. Yet despite their nature, if they do show their shadowy face, it is best that you remain weary for you never know exactly what trickery or dreaming this sandman creature is up to.

LUCY — Syrus' pet crow that in reality he did not adopt. Lucy in fact was the one to adopt him, finding him within the black shroud forest some years ago and deciding that the Viera was going to be her's. Loyal to a fault and aggressively so, she is a hard feathered friend to win over. But once you do, she will go from annoying you endlessly to being the cheekiest and softest creature you know. Lucy does accept seed bribes should you want her affection sooner!However as time goes on Syrus is starting to suspect something off about his beloved pet....

FIRSTNAME LASTNAME — Cat ipsum dolor sit amet, rem yet aliquid anim ad. Elit qui culpa yet totam consequatur. Mollit nesciunt and iste magni. Ad cillum ullamco for excepteur. Laudantium quisquam but eaque but laboris. Dolore. Nihil sequi for eos. Esse consectetur aspernatur so sequi elit. Corporis aute and magna or ab for consequuntur so unde. Ab occaecat or natus adipisci. Proident nemo or pariatur but adipisicing veritatis. Eaque eiusmod and in for quaerat but ex. Occaecat quisquam unde.
Sýrus Skuldabréf
Unlike what appearances suggest, Syrus is Viera that was born in the Golmore jungle. The Viera village that he was born to were magically inclined and ritualistic, every aspect of their life having some form of ritual, be it to bless each other or bless the jungle in which they lived off. However, Syrus himself was a quiet child with an overbearing mother that preferred to keep him in her shadow. As such, this would often cause Syrus to 'run away,' in reality he would stick the the jungle just at the edge of their village, where he got to spend time with other children and get space for himself. Even as he grew older, there was a distance with him, his mother, and at times his people, having a disconnection with many emotions.His attitudes however changed when Syrus reached roughly 10 summers old. This was the year in which his little brother was born. While they had different fathers, they shared a mother and at his birth Syrus' young mind knew he had a best friend. In fact, he proved himself right because as he grew the pair became inseparable, which also included sparing his brother from his mother's suffocating and manipulative ways. But with the large age difference, after a few short years they were seperated, Syrus being deemed an adult. As tradition dictates, once the breeding season is completed, the wood warders would collect all of age boys so they could be taken away and trained. Syrus was among the boys that were of age and unlike the others, he went without a fuss. There was something about being one with the jungle that fascinated him, making him all the more willing to tread the path of a wood warder.Of course, when Syrus got involved in the training, some of the fairytale dreams faded, the harsh reality sinking in through tough training and some of the things that he witnessed. As much as the jungle gave to the Viera, it would also take away, mercilessly and without thought. But despite the hardship, the tears and at times the crippling fear, he continued to be pushed by his mentor, forging him into what a wood warder is famously known for. Protecting and fighting for their home, even if it spelled their death. Syrus is a creature that holds a lot of pride for his kin and his home.When his mentor deemed Syrus ready, he was placed into the ritual grounds of his village territory. Why? His mentor believed with his quiet demeanor and step he would do well there, the environment there needing a respectful and unnoticeable protector so rituals could take place undisturbed no matter the circumstance. For many years that is how it remained, Syrus the silent protector, only being sighted in his silken robes right at the moment of death for those who trespassed. Even the ritual groundskeeper was unawares of his presence for many years, however she would eventually see him. It was by accident and chance that she saw him, saw him practicing magic while she was going about her rites and rounds. It was a moment that startled them both, and while she flinched on the spot, Syrus quickly took off and disappeared into the trees.Despite what Syrus says, it was indeed a fateful meeting because from that point she slowly gained Syrus' trust until eventually they became friends. From tree top conversations, sharing food and even playing soft music together, they grew close. In time, they had children and for a time they were like a family, happy in the branches of the jungle. But there is a time in every wood warders life where they are unable to protect something or instantly remove a threat. For Syrus, this occured during his down time, a scream being heard when he was resting among the branches, the scream causing him to instantly run and track the location of the sound.Syrus wasn't sure what he was expecting but he was not expecting that female viera that he came to see as family, laying there, crippled and clinging on to life. Yet despite the searching he couldn't find the creature or being that caused this woman so much harm, and much to his chagrin, she would not allow him to take her back to the village. So instead she was taken back to Syrus' small tree house, hidden high in the treetops. However, despite her condition Syrus didn't give up, trying his best to help her and heal her; and while overtime she did heal, her ability to walk did not return and her health in general became frail. So she did something unconventional for her standards. She didn't want the skills she learned over generations to be lost and in this circumstance she knew she was dying, her children to young and having no apprentice she turned to Syrus.
Of course, he was reluctant, but seeing her condition change everyday he eventually accepted and would learn the skills of an aether weaver.Much like learning to become a wood warder, becoming an aether weaver came with its own unique challenges and trials. It was by no means an easy skill to learn, to use magic and aether to provide advantage and disadvantage. But eventually he would learn, and when she would die, her memory was weaved into a fire opal that hung around his neck. Only then could he deem himself an aether weaver. It is a skill that gave him the ability to weave aether into any object he or his client desires. From fabric, to metals, to precious stones the effects that he is able to grant the items are varied in their nature as it all comes down to what is desired. However, his favoured materials are specifically opals and pearls, having uncanny skills to bring them to life. But Syrus isn’t an average aether weaver, having a skillset that pushes boundaries and to some that can be quite sinister. With knowledge passed down from this woman he has the ability to weave the ‘spirit’ into a vessel. Though this does come with some restrictions. The participant must be willing and the vessel must be expertly crafted by his hands to hold the essence of the being or creature. Any fault or no consent, the weave will not hold.At her death, Syrus would do the respectful thing and return her to the village and while they were displeased that Syrus was in possession of her skills they would allow him to remain as a wood warder and guardian over the ritual grounds as long as he did not come to the village. While it disheartened him that he would not know how his children would grow else he would face death himself, it also allowed him to hear and learn of his brother Mýrún. He learned he was a guardian himself and surprisingly in a territory directly connected to his lands, the burial grounds. So leaving with a bittersweet feeling he was able to reconnect with his brother. While he lost one part of his family, he regained another. It is these moments that he treasures the most, even if the odd events continued to grow, these events turning to voidsent attacks where they were hungry for the large quantities of aether that existed in the ritual grounds and occasionally the burial grounds. It was by all means odd. But eventually these odd events peaked into disaster, a voidsent of an unknown kind and of an unrecognized power appeared, wreaking devastation on the village and surrounds. How convenient that their outside enemies also chose to try and take advantage of the chaos happening. And while Syrus heard rumors of the voidsent being sited at another village and even harassing them, he could not dwell on such matters when there was so much turmoil and fighting to be done. But in the end, like many others, they had to flee, Syrus delaying his escape to take the chance and grab his brother. It was lucky he chose this path as he is certain his brother would not be alive if he simply chose to run.With his brother badly injured and still in his arms, Syrus made the decision to leave the jungle, knowing this was the safest option and the best chance he had to saving Mýrún. Syrus did what he could, using the skills that he had to keep him alive but at this stage knew that Thavnair was the only hope they had to ensure full recovery. So for a time Syrus remained in Thavnair, using that time to heal himself and as a means of trying to adjust and get over the culture shock of living many, many years alone in the Golmore jungle. It was a startling reality when the world beyond was so loud and colourful. Eventually the desire to see the world grew and the brothers would set off travelling, to learn of the world and find their place among it. Sometimes together, sometimes on their own. During these years of travel Syrus would learn to survive, to understand the different essentials that were required compared to the jungle and slowly but surely found a way to adapt his skills to provide back to the world like he did to the jungle.Coming to understand the world better, adapt and find his place within it, he established himself a cabin in a deeply forested part of eorzea. A place people could go to obtain a unique item or tool to call their own. While he has remained here for many years now, he still likes to travel and feel the wind through his hair.
NAME Sýrus Skuldabréf NICKNAME/ALIAS Syrus AGE 60-70 DATE OF BIRTH Unknown GENDER & PRONOUNS Male, he/them ORIENTATION Demi-sexual RACE/ETHNICITY Viera - Rava
Mýrún Loforð - Half Brother SIGNIFICANT OTHER
Vairuit Mao OTHERS
- tba PETS
Aether Weaver and Enchanter. HOMETOWN
Golmore Jungle, Grimrost Village - Former
Thavnair, Radz-at-Han - Current CURRENT RESIDENCE
Twelveswood, The Black Shroud LANGUAGES
Thavnarian VOICE
Alucard from Castlevania (Netflix).
6ft HAIR
Black EYES
Emerald Green SCARS
Ear piercings
Small line tattoo down the middle of his lower lip.
- Meticulous
- Calm
- Reliable
- Forthright
- Sensible
- Articulate
- Reflective
- Alert
- Personable
- Shrewd
- Patient
- Scholarly
- Sentimental NEUTRAL TRAITS
- Competitive
- Unhurried
- Private
- Familial
- Determined
- Undemanding
- Impersonal
- Cautious
- Calculating
- Phlegmatic
- Apathetic
- Petty
- Sly
- Blunt
- Resentful
- Insecure
- Scornful
- Tense
- ???
This character is a naturally withdrawn, apathetic and quiet character. If you want to get to know him, a lot of patience is required as he is very slow to open up about himself. Even an element of persistence will be required in regard to physically seeing him but not necessarily pushing for information. As long as Syrus can see that you are trying to make an effort and that you are interested, then he will pay mind to you.
Syrus is currently carrying a lot on his shoulders and based on current plot situations is carrying an element of guilt that has made him more withdrawn than normal. IC wise he may be more difficult to interact with than standard at this current situation. However, please challenge him, he needs it!
Last updated: 11/01/2024